Day 16 Of The 30-Day Creative Gathering

Day 16, FEB C.G., 8 x 8, mixed media on Arches cold-pressed 140 lb. paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
Day 16, FEB C.G., 8 x 8, mixed media on Arches cold-pressed 140 lb. paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

Elephant bush is often called a miniature Jade, even though it is not related to Jade plants. This plant absorbs high levels of carbon from the air, making it a great plant for the home.

This succulent is eaten by elephants, also goats and tortoises. It is also used in Southern African cuisine. Often added to salads, soups, and stews. Hmm. Interesting.

I had two of these small plants. Killed them both. Even though the conditions were right. Every time I see them, I want to bring one home and try again. The teeny-tiny leaves are irresistible.

12 thoughts on “Day 16 Of The 30-Day Creative Gathering

  1. paintamasterpiece

    Your plants have such character. This one looks like its trying to peek over the edge of a wall (bottom of paper). And such a strange collection of animals like it. I was visualizing elephants trying to avoid stepping on the tortoises.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Hahaha! That could be bad Sea! I can understand why so many would like it, for the moisture it contains. I love your idea of peeking over the wall. 🙂 Thank you for the compliment Sea 🙂

  2. dotty seiter

    The simplicity of your composition and rendering; the upbeat colors; the interplay of light and shadow; the not-quite-uniformity of the backdrop—all a gift to me this morning. Thank you.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I was wondering if anyone was going to notice that. Of course, you know I was going for uniform. Haha! But the paint had a mind of its own. I brushed over it this way and that, and still. Makes me smile, that you enjoyed the painting Dotty 🙂

  3. laurelle

    My mother had a green thumb and every plant she touched thrived. So I know this little plant and always hold it in affection, thinking of Mom, but had no idea as to its real name, nor that it’s a wonderful source of food for certain animals and even humans! You’ve rocked my miniature jade world. Now on to the art…lovely piece. The simple composition makes a powerful impact celebrating the lovely shape of the succulent’s leaves, and its placement in the lower foreground makes you feel as if it’s growing. Love it!

    1. Sheila Post author

      I love that Laurelle, how cool that you have such a wonderful connection to this little plant. 🙂 I love that you get the feeling of it growing 🙂 Thank you Laurelle 🙂

  4. Christine Brooks

    I also have never been able to keep them alive, i often bring a cutting back from my mother’s…
    I love how delicate they are. Beautiful painting. You must be pleased


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