Day 1 – 2019 Creative Gathering

Day 1, 2019 C.G., 8 x 8, acrylic & pen on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.
Day 1, 2019 C.G., 8 x 8, acrylic & pen on Arches 140 lb. cold-pressed paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.

September is the month of the painting challenge. Now called Creative Gathering. I will be painting each day this month, and posting them here. I may not post each day. As I am also posting within the group. But I will show each painting, alone or in collections.

If you think you might be interested in participating, click here. The group is on Facebook, and you can join in at any time, do as much, or as little as you like. 🙂

I started this off with layers of pattern. Stencils, bubble wrap. I started with warm earth tones. Somehow the pinks took over. Meant to paint a snake plant. So much for plans. Ha-ha 🙂

8 thoughts on “Day 1 – 2019 Creative Gathering

  1. dotty seiter

    Sheila, look at you getting a 30-day painting adventure set up for yourself and whomever wants to join! My hat is off to you.

    My own painting hat is off at the moment. It may find its way to my head today, and it may not—whatever ends up being the case will be just the right thing.

    l’m feasting my eyes on your layers of pattern, your use of stencils & bubble wrap, your starting with warm earth tones & having the pinks take over, and all the delightful glory of what evolved when your best-laid plans skedaddled!

    1. Sheila Post author

      LOL, thank you Dotty. Thanks for visiting 🙂
      Christiane Drieling was going to set it up, but she was swamped. It was getting late, and I REALLY wanted to do the challenge. I need to get back to work. So, I volunteered. And I am so glad to find that so many others were in need of one as well, and missing the event. I am learning each day, and that is always a good thing 🙂
      You, my friend, are an old soul. You have an innate sense of timing and self-knowledge.
      Happy just the right day to you 🙂

  2. Dave

    Thanks for doing the group and getting the ball rolling! This should be fun! I like what you ended up with, even if it isn’t exactly what you had in mind from the beginning!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Haha ha, Thank you, Dave. I am happy with it, LOL 🙂 I am so glad to see you in the group. And stoked that you are challenging yourself to finish the book. I am really eager to see the lessons as you go along. Drawing is something I need more practice at too 🙂
      Have fun!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Right Val. Seems I keep having to learn that. LOL 🙂 Hopefully, things will smooth out soon. And everyone will get the hang of posting to the daily album. LOL. And then it will be more just doing the “challenge” part. I do think I need to add moderators, I think that is the term. If it gets overwhelming I will.
      Thank you Val for your kind thoughts 🙂

  3. Kyla

    Thanks Sheila! I didn’t know there was group carrying on Leslie’s challenge, I’ve been thinking about it all week! I’ll try to get something painted tonight. Love your day 1!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Awesome Kyla! So glad you will join us 🙂 Can’t wait to see you there 🙂 A week was not long enough to plan and get the word out and invitations. Not with having to learn how to do new things as well. LOL. 🙂 And there isn’t was to see who you have invited already. That I know of anyway. So I am sure I have invited some people 3 times and forgotten to invite others.
      See you soon – and feel free to invite others!


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