Wonky Little Watercolor Cactus

Desert Bloom 2. 4 x 6 in. watercolor & gesso on  paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.
Desert Bloom 2. 4 x 6 in. watercolor & gesso on paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.

Last of the bunch. I have a couple others, but I think they are paint-overs. This card was sent out in the Pals-Poist exchange. It traveled a whole hour and a half up the road to Flagstaff, to my good friend Christine Brooks. Christine and I still have not met. Mostly due to busy schedules. But one day soon, right Christine? 🙂

In return, I received this lovely card. Even in winter, beauty is all around. Christine sent it in a protective sleeve, the marks rub right off. I love how the leaves look like a frilly, royal collar (a ruff). And the snow cap looks like a Beret. Ok, I know I am mixing my styles there. And centuries. 😉

I love it Christine! I hope you had a hot cup of cocoa waiting after your walk in the cold. Burr!

Pals Poist Postcard by Christine Brooks.

I re-discovered a long lost favorite artist. Birgit O’Connor. Her watercolors are jaw-dropping! I love her flowers. And her stones look like a photograph. Her paintings are huge! Treat yourself to some of her videos on YouTube.


Some times good things come in the mail. Unexpected, good things.

Unexpected. Multiple good things.

Nelvia McGrath and I were having a conversation about watercolor paper. If you follow her blog, you know she has been experimenting with watercolors in a class she is taking. If you don’t follow her, you can take a peek. A link to her blog is to the right, in the blogs I follow. Well, we decided to share some paper with each other. And I sent off some Bee paper, some Arches. And some of the cheap postcards I thought were such a great deal. I wanted her to see the difference between good and bad paper. Salvaged the cards though, used gesso to cover the paper. The wonky cactus is an example.

Papers to play with. Yupo, Artagain, Duralar, watercolor paper.

Well, a couple of weeks passed, and I had just about forgotten. I knew Nelvia was busy. (You know how forgetful I am. Ughh.) And what do ya’ know! A BIG box came, with my name on it. Not only were there papers in it, but sharpies, colored pencils, pencils, erasers, a paint marker, a mechanical pencil, a brush pen, and some command strips. WOW! Mixed media here I come!

It’s my party and I’ll draw if I want to!
Draw if I want to, draw if I want to!

I am so blessed to have made so many terrific friends online!

You know who you are. 😉 I see you every day, and I feel grateful. Thank you, Christine, for sharing your art and photography with me!

Thank you Nelvia for the fabulous art loot!

19 thoughts on “Wonky Little Watercolor Cactus

  1. Nelvia

    I too like your wonky little cactus – we don’t have many here. The card you got back, well, WOW. So glad you like your toys and can’t wait to see what creative things you do with them my friend.

  2. carol edan

    Wow! What a surprise! Yes, I am also grateful for all my internet friends! Always supportive encouraging and heart-giving! Love your wonky little cactus! Brachot!

    1. Sheila Post author

      You know exactly what treasure art supplies are 😉 Well said, Carol! I don’t want to think about where I would be without you all. I would not be making or sharing art, that is for darn sure. Thank you, Carol, glad you enjoyed it 😉 Brachot!!

  3. Val van der Peol

    A funny like painting Sheila – it made me smile the wonky little plant in the big pot. The winter photo card is super – beauty is everywhere if we are only open to it. What a haul from Nelvia! You are going to have lots of fun playing with all those supplies.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Awesome to hear Val… made you smile. Thank you 🙂 I was noticing all the colors along the 17 between here and Phoenix. Purple for miles on the side of the road. Yellow fields. Cool yellow. Everywhere. At the top, before you start going down the grade to the hotter weather. And green fields. Pink and white trees. Bright green on the bare trees. New green. New leaf green. LOL. 🙂

  4. dotty seiter

    Sheila, lucky Christine to have that wonky little watercolor cactus bloom blessing her space! It dazzles me—you have really got it goin’ on with your gesso-watercolor magic. That ‘paper’ wasp nest set against the backdrop of a stucco wall with its surface plaster crumbling. That faceted emerald succulent, catching light to live and reflecting light for the joy of it. Those delicate spindles waiting to change the storyline in a fairy tale. That sweet bashful blossom. in sum: spectacular!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Ha ha ha. Thank you Dear Dotty! you made me look again, through your eyes. As you often do. Wasp nest? You always see something I did not. 😉 Those delicate spindles waiting to change the storyline in a fairy tale.
      THAT is the title of a painting. A song. A novel.
      Crack me up! And at the same time, amaze me at how deep a thought that is. Ha ha ha! 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      It is! And thank you Jacinta. Thanks for pursuing the idea! With so few people, it would be easy to do a couple a year. Wasn’t it fun! 🙂


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