Snow At Last

Thorny. 4 x 6 in. watercolor & gesso on  paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.
Thorny. 4 x 6 in. watercolor & gesso on paper. © 2019 Sheila Delgado.

Cactus one is done. And WOW! The background scanned p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y! Actually, I didn’t make any adjustments with this one. Is it the gesso? Hmm. Usually I have to adjust the colors used in this background to get them true to life. Hooray!

I had a wonderful surprise this weekend. Two of my pieces were included in Janine Vangool’s All About You newsletter. Thank you Janine! Always inspiring. Both Janine and the newsletter. If you love Uppercase magazine, you will love All About You. Sign up for a weekly dose of wonderful – it’s free! Once you do, be sure to submit your recent work for consideration.

We had a lovely snow Sunday night. The roads cleared quickly, but the cold is preserving our delightful winter view.

Mingus February 2019. SMD
Mingus February 2019. SMD

In town running errands, I spotted this view. A fluffy patch of snowfall. Mingus is to the left, just out of view.

Snow south of the 69. SMD
Snow south of the 69. SMD

I had to tread carefully, and when I looked down, I noticed someone else had recently been there. My first thought was roadrunner. But their tracks are more like an “x”. These were about an inch and half long.

Which way do I go?
Which way do I go?

Later in the afternoon, the snow moved in over Mingus. The mountain was soon hidden from view. As you can see, we stayed sunny and dry.

Snow moving in. SMD
Snow moving in. SMD

Storm warnings are predicting a substantial storm starting tomorrow and lasting for two days. Prescott Valley is slated for 14 to 20 inches!! What?

6 thoughts on “Snow At Last

  1. dotty seiter

    Sheila, congrats on having your landscapes featured in All About You—love that those faves of mine are getting such recognition : )

    Your distance photos of the localized snow squalls, as seen from your still blue-skied sunny perches, are a delight. Eager to see what you photograph as the 14-20 inches fall on top of you!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Isn’t that a fun site Dotty!? So awesome that Janine eagerly promotes artists at all stages and in all mediums 🙂


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