Heaven and Nature. Mingus 12-17-18. SMD
A colorful sunset…

Written on the Wind. SMD
Reminded me of a feather, or wings. Which do you see?

Moon Over Mingus. SMD
Brilliant sky on a cold winter night.

Snow falling. 12-28-18
I went to town to run errands the other day. Cold. Dark clouds in all directions.
Stopped at a light, I noticed a few tiny snowflakes falling. Hooray!

Snow Ahead.
Barely 20 minutes later, and blue skies dominated. Here and there, patches of snow falling. Looked more like smoke rising. First time I have seen that. Very cool.

Snow Clouds.
See the snow falling?
Art On 45

First layers.
Fellow artist, and good friend Christiane Drieling invited me to take part in her annual Art ON 45 event. From the group page: “ART ON 45” is a juried art project – artists are asked to paint/draw/collage on a 45rpm record and donate it for a silent auction to benefit a local organization. For the upcoming fourth edition, Christiane has chosen NCLAC (North Central Louisiana Art Council) to be the beneficiary because of their commitment to establish a valuable art program at the local Boys And Girls Club.
I left this to the last-minute. Partly because I was slightly intimidated by the substrate. Mostly though, due to my still lagging energy level. But what fun it was!
The submission guidelines suggested using primer on the vinyl record. Many articles I found on the subject showed a lengthy, involved priming process. I took a chance, and skipped all that. I cleaned the record. And started by using FolkArt Multi-Surface craft paint. Made for tin, plaster, terracotta, rigid plastic, paper mache, fabric, canvas, concrete, wood, glass & ceramics. It took 5 or 6 thin coats to cover the dark record. I painted both sides and made sure to seal the edge as well.
I was stumped on what to paint. A mandala? A pour? A musical subject? Finally I just went with… what I do. I pressed a textured paper towel into wet paint, to add texture to the table. Stenciled the pattern on the vase. Used “bits” of acrylic skins to add roughness to the wall. Here the raised areas show up as white spots.
My first try at the blooms leaned towards sunflowers. At the end I noticed I had neat little rows of buds. Never good. I tried again, and am happy with the results. I used Posca pen, first time, and there are a couple of bloopers. But I left them as is. Under the vase, the pen skipped. Gave me three neat little lines. Kinda cool that accident. And mimics the table pattern. Under my signature, another splatter. Resembles a twig tip.
One more accident. I melted the vinyl while drying the paint. For the record, vinyl melts fast! I used a heat gun to dry the flowers, at a safe distance. A few seconds too long, and I had a nice little, unplanned ripple. While waiting for the paint to dry completely, I decided I liked the defect. I took the heat gun to two more areas, and let the edge warp slightly.
Fits in with the slightly rustic feel of the piece. And makes sense, in my mind. If this was hanging on the adobe wall I painted, the heat of the desert would surely do the same. In time.
Turned out the satin sealer I used is really a high gloss finish. NOT happy with that. Had to get it in the mail, so gloss it is. It does however highlight the texture of the record.

Miss You Much. 7 inches, acrylic and pen on vinyl. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
The 2019 auction is in downtown Ruston at Rumo’s Barbershop on March 16th, 2019.
I’ll keep you posted 😉
Oops! Almost forgot. I asked Leslie Saeta about the 30. She said the next one will be in September. But there is a Doodlewash watercolor event in January if you are interested.
Again, love all the photos (the first two are my favs) and the art!
Got lucky with those two Chandra 😉 So glad you like my first attempt on a record 🙂 Happy being back in the class to you 😉 LOL
So many things to comment on. Your photographs are beautiful. What an artistic eye you have. The color in the cloud of the sunset is so amazing…needs to be painted. I first saw feathers in the clouds on the second but on your suggestion, of course, wings!! I love the idea of recycling the 45s into small paintings and your choice is perfect. You could make a wonderful collection out of these circular “canvasses.” I’m glad you asked Leslie because there is not a word on her website. I wish she would announce these things. I imagine quite a few artists are anxious to hear. I was hoping for a delay also. January is just too busy after the holidays to start a project of that size. But to wait until September, well, I guess that’s okay. It feels very different to do that. I’m just glad she is not abandoning it altogether. Most importantly, I hope this is a wonderful 2019 for you, Sheila…creative, health, peaceful, inspiring. Sending you my love and a big hug!
Ha ha ha. Well truth be told it is about three posts rolled into one. Ha ha ha 🙂 I see both too Laurelle. A feather first, so “written on the wind”, ha ha. But in the sky, white wings of course 😉 ha ha. I agree, it should be painted 🙂
I do love the circle. The even sides all around of the record. And I did not know when I ordered that it would have the small hole. That was a terrific surprise 😉 More room to paint on.
I meant to ask her sooner, kept forgetting. I think she should announce it too. So many are waiting to hear. And she likely knew a couple of months ago. I agree, and think February is a better month for it. Or even March.
Thanks for all your warm good wishes Laurelle! And the same right back to you, xoxoxox.
You do the most extraordinary things. I have a friend who does pours on LPs and makes them into clocks, I will have to ask how she preps.
Oh do ask, and let me know 🙂 This was simple. I scratched at the paint to see if it would flake off and it didn’t move at all. It’s on there! I thought about a pour. I think it would be fun. But there are a couple of artists who had already posted pours on the even page. 🙂
Oops, forgot to wish you a Happy New Year’s Eve
Happy New Year’s Eve my friend! 🙂
Well isn’t this a busy post – am glad as that means you are feeling a bit better. Isn’t Mr. Mingus just magnificent? Never thought about painting on a 45 – see so many creative people too. Like how it turned out and your happy accidents are always such good learning adventures.
The sponge – just got an old sponge, cut it in half. Put paint on the palette and don’t mix it all that well. Put paint just on the edge of the sponge and swoosh. I found out by accident too, on another piece I am working on now, that if you swipe the sponge backwards, it picks up paint on the back side of the sponge and continues to add that liney texture like wood grain. If that doesn’t make sense, let me know and I’ll try to photo something and send it your way.
Got it Nelvia, and thank you. I will have to try it, because it looks perfect on your piece. Perfectly natural and uneven 😉
Well, it took me about four days to get the post out. Ha ha ha. Butyes, and I am thankful just the same. Ha ha ha 🙂
You are right about the learning. Actually, the first skin was a piece of gunk that wound up on my brush, I didn’t realize the paint underneath had dried. I was trying to remove it, and I thought, heck just leave it on. That’s what Dotty would do. LOL 😉
What beautiful photos….. thanks so much for sharing! You have instant inspiration where ever you look! Good luck on the challenge!
Thank you Carol, so glad you enjoyed them 🙂
Great photos Sheila! I see wings, may be because “I believe I can fly” 😉 Happy 2019, dear Friend, may the New Year bring you blessings, joy and good health. Anyway, our Friendship will be still there. xoxo
That is the BEST news Louise! So glad you enjoyed the photos. You set a high bar my friend 😉 Wishing you all of the same. Abundant blessings of JOY and good health. xoxo Love that song!
I absolutely LOVE this wonderful post, Sheila! The photos are fabulous and I, indeed, saw wings. ? I also wondered where you found your 45. What a cool project, and terrific artwork. Especially love the vase! Just out of curiosity, what was the song and musical artist?
Fun reading! I need to start mine again. Guess I might as well wait till January 1, 2019.
So glad Kat 🙂 LOL, a duo I never heard of, from the 80’s so I should have. Glenn and Chris. They were football players I think. Put out a couple of songs at least. Realllly awful. ha ha ha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KEMMfV5-Qg
The pack of five that I found on Ebay was less than 8 bucks I believe.
Do Kat… start again 🙂
Sheila, I love your ART ON 45 piece! Especially, since it is so representative of your work. Thank you very much for doing this. It makes me so happy to have your submission!
Aww thanks Christiane 🙂 I thought of doing something different. But I figured flowers might do well 😉 Hope they do for the B & G’s 🙂 Thanks for the invite my friend 🙂
Absolutely amazing photos and beautiful artwork, Sheila!!!!!!! Thank you so so very much for sharing❤️. Happy new year to you, my darling friend! Cheers to Peace, joy, good health and bountiful blessings for you??⭐️
Thanks so much dear Trang 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting 🙂 HaPpY JOY filled and abundantly BLESSED New Year to you as well! 🙂 xoxo
What super photos Sheila! The sunset one is really special. Where on earth did you get a 45? Do they still make them? Nice job although it sounded pretty complicated. I guess many people have a busy 2019 planned as the Liberate Your Art is taking a break too. I was beginning to wonder if I had missed Leslie’s email but I guess not. I will have to try to get my act together for the September 30/30. Thanks for sharing Sheila. Happy New Year!
I know Val! I read that notice just after I posted this. Sounds like Kat really has a busy, but great, year ahead! I ordered a pack of five from Ebay. I actually still have a bunch of them. Some mine, and some are my Father’s, from the 50’s and 60’s. But I wasn’t willing to part with any of those. LOL.
I am a little relieved about the 30. I know the next few months are going to be busy for me. Still, I will miss the fellowship.
I am planning on sending cards out, to everyone on my list. I will post on that in a few days. Maybe a few others will join in. ;o)
Happy New Year Val!
Was JUST thinking of you a short while ago, Sheila. How’re you doing? I know you have a bday just around the bend: wishing you a happy happy! These photos are SPECTACULAR!
Been thinking of you too Dotty! Hope you are enjoying your time away 🙂 So glad you enjoyed them 😉
I do, I do, you are right. We are celebrating a few days late, down in Phoenix 😉