Mingus Day #26. 5.25 x 12 in. Watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
I flubbed up big time. I felt discombobulated all day, and finally I figured it out. I forgot to post one of my completed paintings. So, I had to go through my files, and re-number everything. Well, not everything. The last five paintings. But I had to do it three times. I keep a Scan folder, a 150 ppi folder, and a WEB folder for my images.
Can’t tell you how good it felt to realize I was not losing my mind. And that I have not forgotten how to count to thirty. Made up for a day of thinking I was more behind than I am.
And this post was ready Wednesday morning. But I am just now hitting publish at midnight.
I am not really happy with either of these. Above, you can see the sky has “ghost” cloud shapes. My first attempt failed, so I painted a wash over the entire sky, and then lifted out some clouds using tissue. I had to some editing, as there were grains of color that did not dissolve, leaving dark streaks in areas. I used white gouache in the clouds to brighten them as well. Not happy with the blooms on Mingus, but that is the way the ball rolls.

Mingus Day #27. 5.25 x 12 in. Mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
Day 27 was part of a threesome that includes day 20 and day 21. There was tons of texture in the first layers. A mix of watercolor and acrylics. I added transparent layers. Still, somehow, I ended up completely losing texture, and along with it, any interest or depth. But I am calling it done.
After the 100 is complete, I can always come back to it, and see if anything can bring it to life. Still, strangely, NOT discouraged or losing steam. Ready to dive back in.
Here is a look back at the other two.

Mingus Day #20. 5.25 x 12 in. mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Mingus Day #21. 5.25 x 12 in. Mixed media on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
See you soon!
#100DaysOfMingus Gallery
A Year In The Life Of Mingus
I like where you are taking your imagery of the Mingus Range. My eye goes right to the paintings that seem more of an interpretive nature – Days 20, 21 & 27 – beautiful textures, subtle line work and great neutrals and tones. I can’t say it any better than Dotty has about Day 26 and it sounds like you might make some adjustments to it later on. It will be interesting when you come back to it what your intentions will be after more paintings of the Mingus. Glad you were able to sort out which day is which – I had trouble keeping 30 days straight let alone a 100!! Looking forward to seeing more Sheila – enjoy your day!
Thank you so much Janet. It will be interesting. I wonder if the same problems that catch my attention will be visible to me later on. I have a feeling seeing them through the eyes of others will change my perception.
I am curious to see how the numbering will go in the second months. If it will help me feel more accomplished. Or doomed. LOL 🙂 Still enjoying the process. And hearing from my friends is the icing 🙂
I love the simplicity of #27 plus the diagonal! At first I thought that # 20 was a photograph! love the mountains.
LOL, WOW, that is high praise indeed my friend. A photograph. 😉 So nice to hear you are enjoying them Carol. Happy creating to you!
Well you have been having a time of it! I don’t mind the sky of #26 and the blooms make the mountains interesting, However, maybe lifting some of the blue at the base of the mountain would help with the feeling of depth and that might be enough to make you happier about the painting. #27 make me think that is how the land would look if it was more desert-like. And I like both of the last two – great colours! I am glad your problems haven’t discouraged you Sheila – keep up the good work!
Thank you Val, I will keep that in mind. Some days, the view is more desert like. And the front range is nearly “white” in color compared to Mingus. I have a busy few days ahead, but I will try those changes soon. 🙂 Enjoy your garden and activities 🙂
Where my eye takes delight:
#26—the mist clinging to the back range; the soft blue in the immediate foreground, with its hints of vertical; and that long thin horizontal linework in the green
#27—the soft pocky texture in the foreground; the vertical patches of linear texture in the second mountain range; the soft whisper of green at the base of the back range; and the suggestion of weather moving in just behind the back range
Thanks again Dotty… wasn’t seeing that myself 😉 Have a super day my friend 🙂