February 2018 Painting Challenge Review



I don’t know what it was about this challenge. But it seemed to fly by. Maybe it was having a month to recuperate from the holidays. Or the shorter month that made the 30 days not feel like 30. Or because this is my tenth challenge. All I know is, I felt less stressed and pressured than in past events. And yes, I know that the stress and pressure came from me, myself, and I.

I had a good first day, but got off to a mixed start. I felt I was posting a lot of “redo’s” or unfinished pieces. But even with that, I just felt they needed more work. I wasn’t in a serious fret mode. By midpoint I think I caught my stride.

Below you can see my favorites from the month, and viewer favorites. Of all the paintings, there are only five that I do not like. One of those made it on the viewer list (Mingus). Go figure.

I had some bad news this month, and there are major changes going on. Please know, each of you, your visits, and our conversations – have been very important to me. Thank you!

I will be adding these to my (nonexistent) Etsy shop. Most are still available, minus the giveaways. Prices range from $30 – $100. If you are interested, let me know in a comment, and leave your email address (I won’t publish that part).




Cheers to Leslie Saeta for bringing us together
for another Successful 30 In 30!
Cheers to the artists worldwide who took part!


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Thanks again to all of you who followed my progress this month.
I am truly thankful for your friendship and support!


Treat yourself to a look at the artist collages
Leslie Seata’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days blog!







24 thoughts on “February 2018 Painting Challenge Review

  1. Teresa Hazelbaker

    My favorites are #28 and #15, I love flowers plus the the interplay of colors and textures you have created. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and hope that all goes well for you.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I like both of those too Teresa. I hope you are doing well, and feeling very well indeed. Thanks for dropping by, and for you kind words and prayers. Means a lot to me 🙂

  2. theimpatientpainter

    Congratulations Sheila – I had no idea this was your 10th!! I really enjoyed your painting(s) this month – I enjoy seeing them all together – may be different subjects but I do get a sense of the palette you like to paint in. Thank you for taking the time to put together such a great presentation – I struggle with technology – so I admire your abilities with it. I to felt a sinking when I read you have some bad new. Will be sending lots of love and good wishes your way – Take care and look forward to seeing more art! oxo

    1. Sheila Post author

      It’s hard to believe I have done that many Janet. Since September 2013. But I missed the first one, So there are some who have me beat. LOL 😉
      If you ever need help with tech… feel free to ask. I am self taught, and always happy to help 🙂
      Thank you Janet for your kind words and thoughts, I really do appreciate them. I will be sharing soon more soon.
      Have an awesome week!! (Missing your pups already, LOL 🙂

  3. blueskyredearth

    I think my favorite flower vase is #17. I like the contrast between the white vase and colorful flowers. I’m looking forward to framing the one I purchased and seeing it on my wall.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I like that one also Sea. The flowers keep standing out to me. 🙂 I’d like to see it too Sea 😉 Happy smooth moving to you 😉

  4. laurelle

    I love the way you’ve done your collage. It’s very professional looking and harmonious in design. Fantastic art, Sheila! It is so interesting what the viewers’ favorites are as opposed to your own. I think mine were Days 1, 12 and 17. I’ve loved sharing this journey with you and plan to continue doing so. You’re an angel.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Laurelle 😉 Those were favorites of mine too. And I think 17 is my overall favorite this round. Very interesting indeed. I need to remember that 😉 So glad you took part Laurelle, so impressive with the size and style you do. 😉 Following you too my generous friend!!

  5. Val van der Poel

    You sure go all out doing your collages, Sheila. I guess you enjoy doing them while I think they are a pain. I found it interesting that all of your favs were flowers and plants but the visitors’ like a number of your abstracts. Good luck with sales in your (non-existent?) Etsy Shop.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I went overboard this year Val. LOL. I thought it would be easier to do a collage than to write it all. But I ended up playing a lot, and it took just as long. I do have fun with them though. 😉 That is interesting isn’t it. Guess I need to do more abstracts. They were on my list, but somehow, I ended up with flowers. LOL 🙂 I started a shop, a loong time ago, but I have never posted in it. It’s a lot of work. I just need to sit down and do it. 🙂

  6. Judy J Jacobs

    Wow Sheila – the collage with all of your paintings looks amazing!! Congratulations on completing another challenge – I’ve enjoyed seeing your happy flowers every morning as they brighten my day, bringing rays of sunshine.

    1. Sheila Post author

      LOL, so very happy that you think so Judy 🙂 I didn’t realize I did so many flowers! Ha ha ha 🙂 I meant to do more cactus and succulents. LOL. I so loved your work this month. Very different, and very spiritual. Thought provoking 🙂

  7. laurie mueller

    Hi Sheila, your art work all together looks so awesome! The colors! Great job. Unlike you, I felt like the month went by very slowly (which I normally love, because time goes by too fast). But I was running wildly trying to see the babies a lot, and still getting painting in, and blogging, etc.
    I don’t know what your bad news was, but I felt an awful pang when I saw those words. Awful pang! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You are loved and appreciated by so many people, so I know I am not alone. xo

    1. Sheila Post author

      I will talk about it soon Laurie. And all is well. Oh those babies! What a joy! Time will start flying by watching them grow. 🙂 I expect we well see some portraits with them soon. LOL 🙂 Thanks for your kind words my friend. So very appreciated 🙂

  8. dotty seiter

    Sheila, I’m so impressed that this is your 10th 30in30 challenge—please post a few paintings from your very first if you are so moved; I’d love to see them. Your ‘review’ here is so classy, very much appealing to my sense of bringing things to closure. What a bold beautiful body of work!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Dotty, I forgot to mention, but under the gallery tab, there is a page with links to all of the challenges. I will post some though, in case you don’t see this 😉 So glad you enjoyed the post 🙂

  9. Carol Edan

    Well we made all in one piece! Love your collages. Wish the numbers were gone. Especially love that slide show! What program did you use? Keep creating!

    1. Sheila Post author

      The slideshow is a gallery option in WordPress. But you can also do it in Photoshop, and I am sure there are other programs as well. For the collages, I used Picmonkey. I so enjoyed your work this month Carol! Hope to see you in September’s too 🙂


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