Day 19 Of 30


Day 19, So Lucky. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Day 19, So Lucky. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

I was so lucky with the dots on the vase. Perfectly imperfect. Don’t know how I managed it, but I love the mix of small and large, and fading. Not so lucky with the texture in the Shiraz. Some of the dots show through, and that’s fine.  I pressed a piece of gauze into the wet paint to create pattern. Didn’t work as well as I hoped. The paint had already dried too much. It’s there, but I am not sure you can see it well enough on the screen.

I goofed and forgot to add the second color to the petals on the left bloom. I didn’t notice until I scanned it, which meant the head was already done and dry. Another goof, well, just a decision really. I think I need to darken some of the pencil lines on the petals. But I had to make enough adjustments to get the colors showing true to life, that it wasn’t worth it time wise to start over. I may feel differently tomorrow.


Shared this on Instagram today.

Another Mingus Afternoon. SMD 9.2017

Another Mingus Afternoon. SMD 9.2017


Sad news to share with you. We’ve known for months, but it still was a shock. Lost the view of Granite Mountain out back.





Here is what it looked like before the building started.

View of Granite Mountain.








14 thoughts on “Day 19 Of 30

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks Carol! When I finished, I thought that I may have gone too dark. Happy to hear it works so well. Have fun today 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      You said it Val. I wanted to use that very word, decided to go the ladylike route, LOL. It sucks big time! I had fun with this piece, I am having fun with all of them, LOL!

  1. Nelvia

    I really like the different textures you are doing in these pieces. The vase is awesome and I wouldn’t have really noticed the flowers if you hadn’t mentioned. Oh yeah it hurts to lose that lovely view, you won’t lose Mingus will you. What do you think about instagram

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Nelvia, The textures are so fun. I was just laughing at myself, for getting all the way to the editing, before seeing the mistake. Right there in front of me. LOL :))
      One consolation, is that there is the canal between us and the houses behind. So still feels as if there is some space at least. I am slowly losing Mingus… parts. The full view. But no, for the most part it will remain. I will do a post on that next month.
      Still learning IG, I feel as if I am missing posts, and answering comments too late. Sue Zimmerman had a trick, and I need to do it. She had all her tags saved on her phone, so she could copy and paste them, instead of typing them new each post. I feel like I am failing at tags. But learning, so that’s a good thing. having fun too 😉 Happy painting to you Nelvia 😉

    1. Sheila Post author

      It is Rebecca, sad. But I can drive a few minutes to a good spot. Won’t happen every sunset though 🙁 So glad you like the flowers, they are so fun to paint 🙂 Happy creating to you, can you believe, only 10 more days?! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      So glad To hear Dotty, and so awesome to have you follow along 🙂 Can’t wait to see what happens with those tree trunks 😉


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