Spoonflower Spruce Up



Kenya Collection, SMD

Kenya Collection, SMD


I haven’t forgotten the trees. I just got on a roll, and haven’t been able to jump off. I started to fix one thing, and then another. And before I knew it, my list was subdivided and neatly categorized by actions.

This weekend I revised fabric designs. For some, that meant scale adjustments. On others I revived the colors. I added to collections, verified tags, and re-wrote descriptions. I passed my goal for last month, and now have 105 designs listed.

Taking part in the recent design challenges added visibility, grew my design library and increased sales. In the last six weeks, I have developed six designs, 23 coordinates and 20 matching solids. (Some of those still need to be uploaded.) I decided that this month I would get the shop in tip-top shape.

The collection above started with five designs, I added 11 more. Three patterns, in multiple color variations. Click on the image for a closer look if you would like.

Today I also created six more designs in a different collection that I will upload to the site tomorrow. There are roughly 20 designs that need a serious make-over. I am hopeful that I can make the changes and finish this project by the end of the week.

I will find time for the trees though. I think using a different part of my brain for a bit will be helpful.

Happy creating to you!






14 thoughts on “Spoonflower Spruce Up

    1. Sheila Post author

      LOL, I am impressed with my energy as well Sea. Hoping it lasts! So glad you like them 🙂

  1. Nelvia

    Wow to you girl. Not sure that I really understand what it is that you do. I know you design patterns, color palettes that can go on so many everyday things. Fascinating as my mind just doesn’t work that way. Keep it coming!!

  2. dotty seiter

    Sheila, I am fascinated by your design work and in awe of your recent productivity. What designs/products are the biggest sellers? Love the colors and patterns featured above, especially the bottom two rows—the top row appeals to me as a coordinate. All such fun!

    And thanks for letting us know you haven’t lost sight of your trees even though your current focus is on the forest of designs.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks Dotty 🙂 So glad you think they are fun, that means my color choices were good ones. The first one is a favorite of mine, it is so pretty when printed. The last pattern has been popular on Zazzle and Spoonflower. Recent sales have been a little of everything, not stand outs really. Patriotic, florals, and my Cow Wow. A black and white faux cow hide. Happy day to you Dotty 🙂

        1. Sheila Post author

          They do buy fabric. Some of the designers do cut-and-sew patterns to make dolls and various projects. I have had fabric, wallpaper (The Peoples Story, sand) and gift wrap sales. I have sold pillows and mugs on Zazzle. Honestly, I have not had enough sales to give any sort of percentage or show what does better. But I am hopeful 🙂

  3. laurelle

    This is a beautiful collection of graphics, Sheila. Even though it is titled “Kenya,” which makes sense, it reminds me of the beautiful batik colors and patterns that I loved when I lived in Hawaii many years ago.

    1. Sheila Post author

      So glad you like them Laurelle 🙂 I have been thinking of doing them in “tropical colors”. The simplicity of these patterns lend themselves to many interpretations. (I have a collection of tropical leaves, in vibrant colors.) On my list for another day. 🙂 Have a super week!


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