Day Four Of 30



Golden Granite. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Golden Granite. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

To the east, we have a view of Granite Mountain. There are a few other peaks, I still need to learn their names. Granite mountain is an hour away, still it looks huge. It is over 7,600 feet. These hills are not all part of the same range.

Happy Accidents

The cloud was a fluke, it is the white of the paper where my wash dried before meeting. The purple on the mountains was meant to completely cover them. But once I saw the shapes forming, I laid the tilted paper flat. I really like how the dark gives some structure to the hills. When the photo is enlarged on-screen, you can see the faintest red on the hills. I know it is an illusion, but it is an interesting one.

Granite Sunset, SMD

Granite Sunset, SMD


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26 thoughts on “Day Four Of 30

  1. Val van der Poel

    Morning Sheila. Your post made me chuckle. We have lived here for over 25 years and I don’t know the names of any of the mountains and I admit to not really caring either. I just paint the whole scene. Super colour in this piece!

    1. Sheila Post author

      LOL, I am glad about that Val. 😉 I did find out that Granite mountain was once called Mount Gurley for the first governor of the Arizona territory. Not that I will remember that for long. Ha ha. One of those hills will soon be covered in homes, or mostly covered. Thanks for visiting Val 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Laurelle 😉 I want to paint these again, even though I feel like I can not possibly do them justice. I still want to try. I am so glad the photo captured that red on the hills, I sure didn’t see it that night.

    1. Sheila Post author

      They would be awesome in AI!!! Well, in your hands anhow. LOL ha ha 🙂 I am hoping to order more colors. Love your skies, they are incredible!!

  2. Dotty Seiter

    Good thing YOU are the one who elected to paint the views from her home as a January 30in30 theme and not I!

    Have you played with closeups of GOLDEN GRANITE yet? I just cropped a few details—you could get a whole series of stunning cards from this one image …

    1. Sheila Post author

      Dotty you are coming up with awesome ideas! LOL, yeah I suppose it does help not to be buried in snow. I’ll play with some cropping in PS today. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your brilliant mind 🙂 Enjoy 🙂


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