Day 5 Of 30



Granite Marble. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Granite Marble. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

The light on the mountains today was spectacular. Snow was visible in some of the crevices. The variation in colors made me think of the countertops everyone is so crazy about now.  WOW!

Mingus 1-4-2016, SMD

Mingus 1-4-2016, SMD

This photo does not do it justice. Five minutes later, the front range was bright gold, and the back range was indigo. At sunset, both were a solid mass of indigo, with a deep pink sky behind.  Breathtaking!

Well, it’s here. It’s official. I am officially middle age. If my prediction proves true and I live to be 100. Today is my BIG-FIVE-OH. But I am cool with that. Don’t feel fifty, that’s for dang sure. It’s going to be just another 30 in 30 day. The celebration will come at the end of the month when I am with friends in San Diego.

Although, I might just have to head to Jerry’s Artarama and treat myself to something. They sent a birthday email about a free surprise gift (with purchase). Free surprise huh… who can resist?


Take a peek at everyone’s day five!

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22 thoughts on “Day 5 Of 30

  1. Janet Bradish

    Happy, Happy Birthday Sheila – best wishes for a year filled with the best of everything! (sorry for the late wishes) Love your Mingus Mountains (curious where the name Mingus comes from – will google!) What a beautiful part of the world you live in. Can’t wait to see your next one!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks so much Janet! I did look it up, but you know… I can’t remember right now. I know it was a man, but, well heck. Here I go looking it up agan. LOL.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Sue for taking the time. Love your golden hill with bits of blue!!! Have fun today 🙂 Do you mean the link up was not working? Bummer.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Why thank you Val, you just made my day 🙂 LOL. So glad you like them! Happy creating to you 🙂

  2. Dotty Seiter

    ARATS: Another Revolution Around The Sun! Congratulations and happy birthday, Sheila!

    I sure do love waking up every morning to my personal view of the Mingus+ Mountains, courtesy of you. In response to a comment you made yesterday, I have to explain that we are not socked in by snow in my neck of the woods (somewhat surprisingly)—just bare trees and dormant lawns. If I were to paint the scenes from my windows: Dale’s dilapidated shed/barn one way, Mike’s half-repainted (for five+ years now) house another, our own garage out the back, and Betty’s dormant shade garden in the last direction.

    But I digress. Love the colors in today’s view of Mingus, and the way the mountains showcase light and shadow.

    4×4″ is plenty big enough for a landscape.

    1. Sheila Post author

      LOL I sure do love waking up to Dotty observations and reflections. Laughing at your descriptions. Sounds like you have an abundant supply of scenes to paint. LOL. Of course you are right, and I did fill some of them with hills and valleys. Thanks for visiting Dotty, Such a gift finding you in my neck of the woods 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you my friend 🙂 I did not consider a month of mountains, but Miss Dotty suggested it, and I am considering it. LOL. Those 4 x 4’s would make for very tiny landscapes… so we’ll see. Have fun today 🙂


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