Fire in the Sky. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Fire in the Sky before. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
The reference photo for this was taken in September. I so wished I could paint that sky. Finally worked up the courage to try. Should call this a study, as I will be painting it again. Also because I learned a lot while working on it.

After the Storm.
Thought I botched it good (see right). Added a wash over the entire sky and felt better. Then I added the puffy clouds. They look a little cartoony to me. Maybe I just need to add a few more. Or make them bigger. Or? They are showing as white, but they are a lighter shade of the same peachy pink. I will keep that in mind for next time. Happy with the rest, and the experience!
Here is a peek at the 4 x 4 canvas I mentioned. I LOVE how the white paint formed little circles (near the center). How did I do that? Wish I knew so I could do it again! Very excited about this little, whatever it is going to become.

Green WIP, 4 x 4
Take a peek at everyone’s day three!
Started filling my Pinterest board
with glorious art by friends and favorites!
Oh, and the little green abstract is way cool, also..palette knives are pretty magical, eh?
They are Katie! I need to spend more time with them
I’m loving how you painted the ripples in the sky. Not easy, but you definitely accomplished it.
WOW, thank you Katie
Have fun today! I am so in love with your new work.
Sheila, one thing I love about you is that you aren’t afraid to try something very hard- like the photo- I wouldn’t know how to begin to handle that sky. But each time you do it, it comes out even better! And also, I, too, love that little 4×4!
Aww, thanks Laurie. I just keep thinking… I wish I were better, I wish I knew more. I wish I could just take the brush in my hand and KNOW that when I was done it would be… good. LOL. But that is what keeps me painting! Desire… longing… hope.
Have fun today my friend!
What fun you are having Sheila! I was surprised that you didn’t use more yellow in the sky after I saw the photo – next time I guess. As for the WIP, some of the white shapes made me think of fish and the circles are bubbles so, voilà the start of an underwater scene – good luck with it.
Awesome idea Val. Fish. Thanks
The pink was calling me in that sky. But yes, the yellow would have brought out some highlights. There will be a next time, yes
Have fun today 
Beautiful sky… WOW how I love your WIP. The new spontaneity…the movement the stroke
great beginning for a new journey!!!!
LOL isn’t that WIP fun.
Thanks for stopping by Carol. Can’t wait to see yours for today!
Love your theme Sheila – Land & Sky? And the vibrant colors in your sky are delicious! So glad to have my buddy along with me on the 9th 30in30! Hugs and Happy Creating, Sandy
Hey, great idea Sandy! I am so happy you are in the challenge – your art in my mailbox is a daily blessing! Have fun and hugs to you too
Love the colors and feel Shiela!
Thanks Cindy! Have fun today
Ah, there are your mountains. It must be wonderful to see them all the time.
Thanks for including the study. The wash was a good idea. I love your colors.
Thanks so much Denise
They are very entertaining. Mingus to the east, and Granite mountain to the west. Sunset is our favorite time of day. LOL
The tall format accentuates the vast magnificence of the sky—great choice! And I love the vast magnificence of your courage in venturing into new painting challenges, both with STORM and GREEN WIP.
You’re reminding me that I have a bunch of 4×4″ canvases somewhere …
I have had these 4 x 4 for over 6 months, maybe even a year. They are sitting on my desk now so I won’t forget them.
LOL, I chose the tall format, becasue doing a larger sky was intimidating. But I felt the same, the tall format would make the sky the star. Happy pieceing, quilting, painting to you Dotty!
Love Fire in the Sky… absolutely superb! A mixture of serenity and strength…
So glad you like it Louise, and so nice to hear from you