Mingus in the Mist. 4 x 8 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
Whew! Day 2!
I have 16, 4 x 4 gallery wrapped canvas. Had planned on using them for the challenge. But I have “ruined” 7 of them. So much for getting ahead. I am going to be out-of-town the last week of the challenge. Before then, I need to have my art painted and scanned.
Today I attempted to do an acrylic on one of the canvases. Using a palette knife. How much experience do I have painting with a palette knife? Uh huh. Next to none.
Still, parts were not too bad. I ended by scraping off most of the paint. And what I thought was a hideous shade of camouflage green (from the mixed paint), dried to a not-so-awful shade of yellow-green. There is a bit of interesting texture as well.
Not sure what I am going to do with it yet, but I am thrilled to know it can be saved.
I love this photo of the hills. The light revealed peaks that usually blend as a whole (on the right). I know I will use this photo as a reference again and again.

Mingus 11-2 2016
Take a peek at everyone’s day two!
Started filling my Pinterest board, WOW!
Hey, good to see you again, Sheila. 🙂 30 in 30 wouldn’t be the same without you.
I started off painting with knives (not brushes) about 20 years ago, and I’m still not sure I’m doing it right. lol It takes time, so be gentle on yourself, and just have fun with it. Use what you’ve already got down on the canvas as a layer, and keep painting over it until you love it. After a few minutes, you won’t even remember what the “ruined” painting looked like. You got this! 🙂
Good to see you Katie! Aww thanks. Your flowers make my day! Thanks Katie for the encouragement, and sharing your experience. Good to know! I know my expectations are unrealistic, I need to put in a lot of hours before I can expect… proficiency. Can’t wait to see your tomorrow!
Sheila I love your style.
Aww, thanks Jill 🙂
Paintings seem to improve tremendously with the second or third go round. Great idea to get out the palette knife. Looking good!
🙂 Thanks Judith!
The colours are beautiful in this watercolour. Really draws me in on the left and into the distance! On another note – not sure how thick your acrylic paint is on your canvas but starting with some underpainting is a great way to get going. I will sometimes sand my supports (birch panel, canvas even paper) with proper safety gear to get ‘rid’ of some areas and expose what is underneath. In some cases a lot of my first layers of paint end up being covered up completely. Think of it as ‘young’ paint and don’t fall in love with anything too early on it could hold you back from making some wonderful discoveries. I am learning to be less stingy with my paint and build up layers – makes it so much richer. Will look forward to seeing some acrylic this month.
I LOVE your layers Janet! Your work is so rich and full of depth! So inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing part of your process. Love the idea of “young paint”!
So soft and subtle – isn’t it great when nature provides different moods for us to paint. Too bad about the canvases but, unless you really trowelled on the paint they can be gessoed and reused. – Remember – you don’t have to have a painting for every day – have fun with it Sheila.
They can be reused, glad about that Val. You are right about nature, such an inspiration! And ever changing!
So peaceful, Sheila!
Thank you Martine 🙂
Sheila- you’re too hard on yourself! This is beautiful, and you have a natural intuitive talent when it comes to putting colors together!
LOL, you are right I am sure Laurie. Too hard on myself. Thanks Laurie for the encouragement 🙂
Good Morning Sheila!
We are back for another 30/30 challenge. Thanks for your encouragement in September.
I painted all the Irish landscapes, maybe you remember. I was struggling with all the nuances of blogging. I still am! I only use my blog for these challenges. So my use is intermittent.
Good Morning Denise! I do remember, and you are welcome 🙂 So glad you are taking part again! Looking forward to seeing your work each day 🙂
MINGUS IN THE MIST offers me meditation in the morning : ) It is soothing and contemplative. Colorfully quiet. Thank you.
Re your canvas with acrylics. Keep playing. A painting will reveal itself at some point. You can remove more paint as Carol suggests (use rubbing alcohol), paint over what you have with gesso, or use what you have as an underpainting as already discussed by you and Carol. Bon voyage!
Looked at the canvas this morning, and I am excited to work with it 🙂
Love your description of Mingus in the Mist Dotty. So glad you found it soothing 🙂 I was so pleased with the soft sky. It is what I had attempted on “Snow on Mingus”.
Love this piece…calm beauty. Can’t you restore what you think you have ruined, An artist friend of mine, who paints in acrylics, scrubs the paint off. What the heck… really nothing to loose.. and you might be surprised that you have a wonderful under-painting. Try one!!!
Oh I love that name for it Carol! I think I do have a cool underpainting. I practiced my color mixing, and that is a good thing!