Day 16 Of 30



Day 16. 4 x 4 in. acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Day 16. 4 x 4 in. acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

My first inclination is that this needs something more. It came together quickly.  A surprise because I was using a palette knife. I was happy with it when I set it aside to dry.  It feels restful to me.

So am I equating struggle with success? I don’t think so. The great thing is, I can live with this for a while, and still add to it later.


If you truly love nature,
you will find beauty everywhere.
Van Gogh


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20 thoughts on “Day 16 Of 30

  1. blueskyredearth

    It says Sheila to me. Most comments refer to it being “peaceful” and that comes from a balanced composition. Perhaps when the acrylics dried lighter/darker as they do, some of the pizzaz faded: this can be rekindled by going back into specific spots and heightening the color of just those places. Excitement can also be created by throwing the balance “off” slightly. It depends whether you want to be Stravinsky or Vaughan Williams. Both made wonderful music.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Love that Sea, thank you 🙂 I love all the work you have created this month!! So energetic and vibrant 🙂

  2. Janet Bradish

    You are a very talented artist Sheila! Love your abstracts. You must have been in a nice ‘space’ painting this and I think it shows. Glad you stopped when you did and are going to let it ‘rest’!

    1. Sheila Post author

      So kind of you to say Janet, thank you 🙂 I am enjoying these colors, I was having fun. I do think it is done. I have had it on a shelf next to my desk, and I do like it. Love your post today! Such rich colors!!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Katie 🙂 I am starting to feel more comfortable with them, but still so much to learn 🙂


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