September Recap


I am feeling sort of discombobulated. Fuddled. Rattled. With my missing September posts. Still hoping they will return. (Server issues)

I thought I would recap, mostly for myself, but also for visitors new to the blog.

September was a prolific month for me. Thanks to Leslie Saeta and her 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. Hundreds of artists took part, painting and posting their work each day.

A quick look at my daily paintings. All were done in watercolor. Most of them on Yupo, but a couple were on paper. I am so happy with the work I produced this month.


30 Sunflowers in 30 days. © 2015 Sheila Delgado.

30 Sunflowers in 30 days. © 2015 Sheila Delgado


My favorites from the month. Most of these were happy accidents.

My favorites. © 2015 Sheila Delgado.

My favorites. © 2015 Sheila Delgado

My good friend and fellow artist Cindy Williams shared her top ten list of my paintings, take a peek. We agreed on many of them! I had so much fun painting sunflowers. I painted on scraps, and gave them away as bookmarks to my followers.


Bookmark Giveaways. © 2015 Sheila Delgado.

Bookmark Giveaways.



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You can visit my Pinterest gallery to see fabulous art by the artists that participated. I looked again today, and I just love the work that was produced by everyone!

I just finished a large canvas for a friend, I will share that with you tomorrow.

Happy creative Monday to you!




2 thoughts on “September Recap

  1. Corinna

    Hi Sheila,
    Would it be ok if I posted a picture of some of your sunflowers on my blog for my 27 Feb entry? I enjoyed seeing your daily sunflower paintings and did some in felt! Love to look all around for ideas and this was the perfect place!

    1. Sheila Post author

      What an honor Corinna 🙂 Of course you may! I love what you have been doing this month with your felting! Thank you :”>


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