Leslie Saeta’s 30 paintings in 30 days challenge is back. There are still a few days to sign up if you’re interested. I love taking part in these. This will be my fifth challenge. Each one has been a learning experience, and my work has improved as a result. If you would like to take a look back, click on the links in the sidebar (below).
I am trying to get a few pieces painted ahead of time. Just in case. Backups, for when a days work just bombs. Here is a small peek…
Here are two pieces I painted last week as gifts…
Joyful Sunday to you!
Your paintings are awesome, Sheila, and I LOVE the 2 gifts. Lucky recipients!
Thanks so much Laurie
Beautiful work 🙂
Thanks Cindy 🙂 A friend of mine wants me to do some of these for her house.
Love these paintings, Sheila. 🙂
They were fun to work on Karin 🙂