Sun-Shiny Day

(Just a reminder, if images are slow to open: reload the page, or click on the description to go to an attachment page. Thanks for sticking with me, the issue will be fixed soon) 

Sunflower. 4.5 x 6 watercolor and pen. 2015 Sheila Delgado

Sunflower. 4.5 x 6 watercolor and pen. 2015 Sheila Delgado


I had a monitor stand made. Just a few scraps of wood, and little black paint. You can’t really see the stand, but you can see the empty desk space it gives me. The keyboard and mouse can be tucked away. More room for painting! Thanks Pete!

Monitor stand

Monitor stand

Hope you all have a terrific weekend!

Happy creating!



4 thoughts on “Sun-Shiny Day

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Val, so glad you like it. I will be looking forward to seeing your sunflower paintings 🙂


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