It’s not easy mixing green.

Found a Youtube video by Steve Mitchell Design on mixing lively greens. I pulled out my yellows and blues, prontissimo! Played with it a bit last night, and. Uh Hum, I mean I practiced last night, and again this afternoon.

Hello! (thumping forehead)

I always reach for old Faithful. Sap Green. I LOVE Sap Green. I often will add yellow or blue, but having started with Sap, I can’t really say that is mixing my greens.

(Having shrimp salad tonight. Lively mixed greens are nice there too! Run Forrest, Run!)

I wasn’t thinking of aerial perspective, or light direction with these.  I Focused just on creating mixes. As you can see, I need A LOT more practice. (YAY)

Hope you had a Happy Monday!

Color studies, watercolor.

Color studies, watercolor.





8 thoughts on “It’s not easy mixing green.

  1. louise237

    Am really amazed by all these palm trees… It’s a kind of invitation to travel 🙂 … You are so talented, I who have not skill for drawing or painting… Enjoy your day!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you for that Louise, but you do have talent! Your photos are stunning! Hoping that next year you will swap, and give me another chance to receive one 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

  2. spiritartartist

    Good exercise, Sheila. Looks like you’ve replicated Sap Green pretty well. 😀 Just for fun, you may want to try adding the blue and the yellow to the wet paper and then mixing. Keep on experimenting.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Yes, I need to work on that more Sandy. I tried mixing on paper, and also on the palette…I may have been using too much water. More play today…


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