Y’all made my day!

I was so blessed this year to have so many extra swaps in the Liberate Your Art postcard swap. These are the last, from three talented Southern women.  Such a treat! Thank you all for sharing your art with me!

Teresa lives in Georgia. She surprised me by including several cool decorative papers for me to have fun with. Yay! Don’t you jut love when the leaves start to change color? On the back of her card was this quote by Albert Camus.

Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.

Sweet gum leaves. Teresa Harrington Hazelbaker.

Sweet gum leaves. Teresa Harrington Hazelbaker.

Chandra added color to her card with Washi tape and an owl sticker. I love old worn out, and rusty things. Knowing that they have a history, and wondering what that is, makes them so appealing. Her site is full of great stuff! She has taken part in many art swaps, and shares the work of others on her blog.

Whippoorwill Village, NC. Chandra Tyler Mountain, PhD.

Whippoorwill Village, NC.  by Chandra.

Cosmos. Kat Van Rooyen

Cosmos. Kat Van Rooyen

Kat and I exchanged cards in 2013 and we have kept in touch ever since. Chatting sometimes very late at night, when we should both be in bed. You can see more of Kat’s fabulous nature photos on flickr. She had this quote on her card,

No one sees the world with your eyes, so express what you see!
No one has your voice, so let us hear you through your art. Create!

So let’s go… get busy!

Create something today. Anything… even if it becomes a glorious mess.

Have fun and enjoy!

10 thoughts on “Y’all made my day!

  1. Juana

    I’ll have to try that “post swap” next year. I really enjoy the variety of creativity that comes through in this event. Wishing you a creative week.

  2. Joan

    How wonderful, indeed! It is always fun meeting others and learning what inspires them to design and create!! Happy Painting, Sheila! 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      So true Joan 🙂 Your art is very inspirational! Happy creating to you as well, and a happy week to McKenna!

  3. Arty-Kat

    Sheila, I love our late night chats and the way you inspire me. The video clip was EXACTLY what I needed to hear! how can I put it on my blog? In fact, I needed to read my own quote- I said it for others but forgot it was for ME, too! So embarrassing to admit! Thank you for this post…and your friendship.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Hi Kat, I will email you about the video. The quotes are as much fun as the art, aren’t they?i think this might have been our third swap together, but I did not have time to go back and check. That was before my site was up. Talk with you soon Kat! Hope you enjoy this weekend, and I hope you are both well 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      I am so glad it arrived Lui! Hope you are doing well, and finding creative inspiration 🙂


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