Liberate Your Art Blog Hop 2014



Time really does fly. It felt like a quick week, but it was really close to a month of liberated art arriving in my mailbox. The first card was postmarked March 17th. And the most recent was stamped April 11th.

Thank you Kat, and many thanks to your helpers, for making the Liberate Your Art postcard swap happen. What a joy to receive artistic correspondence! I have to admit, that I do not often think of sending a real card or letter. I email often and send ecards for special days. Sitting here, I am wondering why I have never thought to send a postcard to family and friends. I still have some cards. I think that is how I will put them to use. I will send a small surprise.

For those of you visiting my blog for the first time, Thank you! If you scroll down, you will see my earlier posts on the cards I have received with links to all the artists. I have lost count, but I think I still have a few that are on the way.

Photo by Siobhan Wolf

Photo by Siobhan Wolf

I received both of these cards on the same day. Good day, Sunshine! Siobhan’s card is a “Dream”. There are gorgeous magenta petals that have fallen to the table. The soft focus gives me a peaceful, relaxed feeling. For some reason, I started thinking of candle light and a warm bath. Something I honestly never do, but wouldn’t that just make you feel so pampered and serene?


Artwork by Sherry Harmes

Artwork by Sherry Harmes

Sherry included a quote from Blake, “Exuberance is beauty!” I love that. I also love her motto: Conceive, Believe, Achieve! Her card is bold and bright and some of the flowers are 3-D! OK, maybe just 2-D. I love these blue blooms! It is hard to see, but there is stitching along the left side as well.  Mixed media maven!

I count myself lucky, this is the second year I have swapped with Siobhan and Sherry. Thank you both for sharing your art and photography with me! Such a delight!

Postcard art, © 2014 Sheila Delgado

Postcard art, © 2014 Sheila Delgado

I am so thankful to be a part of this Liberating event.  So much fun creating the cards I send out. Such a nice surprise when one is received. Kat treated us all to this gorgeous card. I just love her work!

Layered Autumn. Kat Sloma

Layered Autumn. © Kat Sloma 2013






Thanks again to all the artists and photographers who shared their art with me. I am always in awe of all the talent that is shared. Lori, Natasha, Lisa, Barbara, Melody – your blessings brightened my days!

Liberated art 2014

Liberated art 2014

Extra! Extra!

Extra! Extra!







Deanie, Shelly, Janice, Sherry and Siobhan – so grateful!

Take a look at this years art filled video!

Feel free to join our Blog Hop. The link below (the little blue guy) will take you to other artists who participated. Treat yourself to a virtual visual voyage!


LYA button 2014









36 thoughts on “Liberate Your Art Blog Hop 2014

    1. Sheila Post author

      Hi Cheri – thanks for hopping by! Ouuu I cannot wait to get a closer look at your collection – you have one of those blue trees!

  1. Juana

    Looks like you’ve got a good hang of this swapping! It’s a definite bright spot in my day. I’ll take a look at your earlier posts about the swap.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Juana, thanks so much for stopping by. I am looking forward to getting a better look at your creations. So glad you enjoyed the swap – hope to see you next year! Blessing and Best Wishes to you Juana!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks so much Siobhan 🙂 You should have it by Saturday. I will check to make sure you receive it and if not, I will send another. I really enjoyed your card, and reading your message on the back. Such a quiet moment 🙂 May your days be blessed!

    1. Sheila Post author

      I agree Candace! It would be fun to see Kat’s collection wouldn’t it! Blessings and best wishes!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Such an honor, don’t you think Jill? That someone would put so much time and effort in creating a happy surprise for a stranger. I hope your weekend is special too!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks for stopping by Dana, and commenting 🙂 See you soon at your studio (site). Happy weekend to you!

  2. katsloma

    So much fun! I’m glad you will be liberating more art. Is there a better way to connect with family and friends? I don’t think so! Thank you for participating in the swap and the hop this year!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Dear Kat,
      It is true – for whatever a (wo)man sows, that (s)he will also reap. Your life will be filled with an abundance of happiness, joy, and friendship. You have 200+ talented creatives thinking of you. They are grateful, exuberant, and inspired! Thank YOU Kat, for spreading the seeds of JOY!

  3. Janice Darby

    Sheila, so glad I got one of yours this year, I’m going to be practicing my painting skills so I can have a true art piece to swap next year. It’s been fun!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Janice, your photos are art! Thanks so much to agreeing to an extra swap! So fun chatting with you. Happy painting to you and Happy Easter too!

  4. Suzette Rothlisberger

    Hi Sheila,

    I never got your postcard posted on the FB page, but it is included in my blog. So good to meet you, but I think I’ve known of you long before the swap. Your work is so beautiful. Have a wonderfully creative year and I’ll see you next time!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Hello Suzette! Yes we do know of each other. Your beautiful name is unforgettable! Thank you so much for letting me know you received one of my cards. I only saw one or two posted, so I am interested to find out about the others. I won’t be able to visit sites until this evening, but I am so looking forward to it! Be well and Happy creating to you!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks for stopping by Kris. I am so looking forward to visiting your site – Enjoy the hop and the weekend!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Hi Snap! I am so looking forward to seeing more of your site. Oh my, those roses are gorgeous! Happy Spring to you as well!

  5. Claire

    You created – and received – some beautiful cards! It was a fab swap, wasn’t it?
    Lovely to meet you through the swap and Happy Easter from England x

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks so much Claire. It really was delightful, yes – FAB! Lovely to be greeted from England – Jolly good! May you have a Happy Easter and a wonderful spring!


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