I think my mind is on other things. In fact I’m sure of it.
Downton Abbey premiers in four hours! Wooo Whooo! I don’t watch TV much. And I am embarrassed to say that I have counted down the months waiting for the new season to start. Of course it helps that they chose my birthday as the premier date. Happy Downton Abbey Birthday to me!
This post is in honor of a promise to a friend. Sandy Sandy, this is my crapola
I have painted cloud studies. That is what I am calling them. But they do not really look like clouds. And I can’t say just what it is I have learned, as they did not improve at all. I decided to keep painting and tried some succulents. Well, my succulents…suck.
I am blaming all of this mediocrity on Downton distraction and birthday bustle. Sandy, here is my glut of garbage. I may not have created a successful painting, but I did plenty of painting today!

Cloud Study #1

Cloud Study #2

Cloud Study #3

Cloud Study #4

Aloe Vera. 4 x 5 watercolor on cold press paper.

Succulent. 4 x 5 watercolor on cold press paper.
O>M>G>! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK SHEILA!! I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GOOD ONE, DESPITE ALL YOUR PAINTING TRIBULATIONS. I think your clouds definitely have potential, especially the first two! I admire your courage in posting your disappointments here. Don’t give up! There are so many ways to paint clouds. What size were these? I think clouds are hard to paint small. Maybe you just need to try a few other approaches. … there’s lots of videos on line. I’m sure you’d find one that suits your style As far as your suck-u-lants go, maybe you just didn’t take them far enough. Where’s all that complimentary line work I see in your other work? I love this post and am glad to see you are working hard, and keeping your promise to post your crapola, even on your birthday! Wishing you abundance during birthday week and always, xo Sandy
Thank You Sandy. Adding line work now. Duh, why did I not think of trying that. The clouds were on scraps of paper, just playing really. 2.5 x 5, I think. And yes. I came to that same conclusion today. I think I am working to small. I prepped a bunch of small bits, because I was away from my studio. And I have a small area to work too. But I am beginning to feel, hemmed in. Will go big tomorrow! I did discover a new technique for clouds. I am taking an online class, and one of the other students had a great cloud piece.
Happy JOYous painting to you Sandy!
Happy Birthday, Sheila !! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Me, too!! Very excited about Downton. Love that show!!
This post and your choice of words made me laugh! I can hear myself in those words 🙂
Now, in regards to your cloud study…honestly, and I mean honestly….these clouds are stunning – especially the first two. I really like them. I think…cross that out….I know you are being too hard with your judgment on these. But I understand totally because I have been there plenty of times!! 😉 🙂
Have fun with your painting/s for tomorrow!
Joan you made me giggle! Sandy calls her bad art suckage. But I felt funny about using that word. Then I thought, crapola is not much better. But it is the word I use for bad. Not just for my art but for other things too. So in the interest of being my true self. There you have it. As our dear Anna told Mr. Bates, ” I am not a lady. And I don’t pretend to be.” ha ha ha
Did I mention that my best friend in the world gifted me the complete Downton set? Santa was very good to me this year!