30 Days of Art – A look Back



Jan 30 in 30 5 x 5


I am so glad I participated again this year in Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. It is quite a learning experience. I think the hardest part for me, is writing each day about what I have created.

I know I very often tell you I am not happy with the daily painting. (Lord please tell me I did not complain every day!) Seeing the paintings here, I am really very happy with them all. I know I struggled with wanting to spend more time on each piece. I wanted to create more along the lines of “Fine Art” and less, well less like the level that I am actually at.

I can see a huge improvement in my work, and that is AWESOME! I did not explore Pastels, or work in acrylics or collage as I had hoped. But I did work on Arches paper, as well as start to get familiar with YUPO. In that respect I did stretch out of my comfort zone.

I love the act of painting daily. I love discovering artists, and seeing their work every day. The absolute best part of the challenge for me, is making new friends. There are so many super talented artists taking part in the challenge. The beauty and diversity of what you create… it is a gift! You really are amazing!


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A heartfelt thank you to everyone who visits my blog.
And thank you for taking the time to comment.
Your kind words are icing on the cake!


I will be catching up on visiting artists sites in the next few days. So bummed I am behind – what treasures I am missing!!!

Oh hey, good news here. I received my complimentary copy of Patty Digh’s new book, with my artwork inside. I will share it with you tomorrow!

Thanks again everyone, happy creating to you!

God Bless!







16 thoughts on “30 Days of Art – A look Back

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank you Sandra 🙂 I loved seeing your work, so beautiful! You are an inspiration! happy painting to you 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank You Lucy. So sorry you were unable to participate, but I know we will be seeing great works from you soon! Be well friend 🙂

  1. joanie springer

    Congratulations on finishing the 30 Day Challenge…no small feat as I’ve tried them before in the past. Delightful work, Sheila, and there is nothing like propelling oneself forward with this type of discipline and familiarity with one’s materials. Brava and Paint On!!! Lovely!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Wow, thanks so much Joanie! I do feel like I have accomplished something! But I am ready to catch up on some sleep too! ha ha ha

      I love your work so much, your portraits are so expressive! Thanks Joanie for stopping by, wonderful to hear from you 🙂

  2. spiritartartist

    My Dear Sheila, You have such a delightful way of expressing yourself, both in your art and in words. I am always in awe of your charming story-telling posts. Your art has blossomed during the last month and I am so happy to see that you have fearlessly pushed through your comfort zone. I am also glad that overall you are happy with your accomplishments. I think your Yupo painting was stunning. I hope you play some more with it. (And I don’t think you whined any more than the rest of us!) That is so sweet that your dad left you a comment too! I do hope we will stay in touch. You have been an inspiration to me! I’ll be back tomorrow to check on that book! Thanks so much for all your encouragement during the past month. You often gave me the spark I needed to go the extra mile. I am truly grateful for your friendship. “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.” Hugs, xo Sandy Happy creating!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Such wonderful comments today from my wonderful new friends! I am blessed 🙂

      Sandy I told you I have been following your work for a long time, and I was dying to try Yupo. I am going to keep practicing with it, I want to be as proficient as you are! I tell you, every time I see your blog banner, I think, “I want to do that!”

      I love that you have shared your process with us. I know that takes so much time to take the photos, edit and post them. Thank You!

      I know these paintings will be successful for you. They are very inspirational 🙂

      We WILL stay in touch Sandy! I am one of your “groupies”!

      Thank you Sandy, your kind words mean so much to me. Go enjoy your weekend, and a bit of a rest too! Stay warm!

      Happy painting to you!
      God Bless!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks Sylvie, no I won’t. I have so many ideas I was not able to get to… you know how that goes. You hang in there too on Spoonflower! Your work is awesome!

  3. carolyn robbin

    Congrats to you! I know what you mean, it was a challenge for sure but I also so glad I did it. I broke through that resistance to painting and feel so much more comfortable with painting because of it. It also helped a bit with my grief…something that challenges me daily. I love your choice of subjects. I love pears and really love sunflowers (but I shy away because they are not easy!!) Thanks for all of your encouraging comments!! Hugs.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Carolyn I am so surprised to hear that you shy away from anything! My sunflowers could definitely use improvement. Something I am working on 🙂
      Glad to hear that your painting has helped you cope. Your work is really a treasure, it would be wonderful to think it brings you as much joy in creating it, as we get from seeing it 🙂

      Hugs to you as well, and I will keep you in my prayers Carolyn 🙂
      Talk with you soon 🙂

  4. Frank Delgado

    Congratulations Sheila,
    The fact that you completed the 30 days shows a great deal of discipline and this is what impressed me.
    I am not an artist and I do like everything you paint but then, I am your dad and a wee bit prejudiced.


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