Carpenter Bee

This is a work in progress. Sharing it with you, so I can also share this reminder.

“Whether You Think You Can or Can’t, You’re Right” – Henry Ford

I put off starting this for about five days. I had myself convinced that I could not draw a bee, much less paint one. Too many complicated, teeny, tiny, little parts. But guess what, I think I painted a pretty damn fine bee. I will tell you all about her soon.

Happy Monday to you!


WIP watercolor

W.I.P. watercolor

4 thoughts on “Carpenter Bee

  1. Joan

    WOW WEE! This is an EXCELLENT Bee.. Just look at all those tiny details. I would have to say you nailed it!!!

    Have a Wonderful Weekend.


    1. Sheila Post author

      Thank You my friend 🙂 I just about have this finished and I will post a close up as well. Enjoy your day Lucy!


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