30 Paintings In 30 Days, Day 8

Week one of Leslie Saeta’s September 30 Paintings In 30 Days is over. It was a struggle for me. Maybe I was trying to hard. The other artists taking part in this challenge are so very talented.

I managed to stay loose on this one, and did not overwork it. I didn’t even sketch it in first. I thought maybe that would help me to work faster and I do think it helped.

I have a recipe for a grilled cheese sandwich made with Brie, thinly sliced pear, and mustard on whole wheat bread. Doesn’t that sound delicious?

Watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. 5 x 5 © Sheila Delgado 2013

Watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. 5 x 5 © Sheila Delgado 2013


8 thoughts on “30 Paintings In 30 Days, Day 8

    1. Sheila Post author

      I think I am going to use a few of them at Spoonflower, for Pillows. I may not have time to set them up until next month though. I can do an apron and mug at Zazzle… good ideas Lucy! Thank You 🙂

  1. Joan

    Hey There Sheila,

    That is pretty cool that you didn’t sketch this one first! Way to go!! Your pears are absolutely beautiful, and they are going to look awesome on a wall !! I can just see it now. I love the soft colors you choose, too, Their shapes are great.

    Congrats on finishing the first week! I say “Hooray, We did it.”.

    Happy Painting.

    Good luck on Day #9.



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