They Say Angels Are Among Us

To fit in better with the struggling, striving, sprouting souls on earth, they leave their wings behind. And are known to us as friends.

I know this is true. I have proof. I have witnesses. I will share a short story, and you too can bear witness to the miracle of friendship.

This past weekend I was elbow deep in research. My phone was not ringing, my inbox was empty. My focus was on reading, note taking, blog building.

How to Blog. Build a better Blog. Blogging 101. What beginners need to know about blogging.

By Sunday I was overwhelmed, and sure that I was the biggest under achiever in Blogland. I decided to take a break, but before I turned the computer off, I checked my mail. There it was. A gift. A blessing. A letter from a friend.

Most of the letter was an update on what is new in her art world. Exciting, interesting, GREAT news. I couldn’t wait to reply! And then in the last few lines… she just lifted me up the way Bette sang about to Barbara in Beaches.

She said my friendship was a blessing to her. She complimented my work. And get this, she asked me to teach her about Blogging. What??

ME, teach about blogging?

Her words brought me to tears. A pat on the back that turned into a full-fledged HUG.

She asked if she could buy one of my bookmarks (they are free by the way, and you can see them here.I replied, telling her that one was on the way via USPS. I couldn’t help but include a quick little ATC (Artist Trading Card) for her. This is just a partial peek, because she might read this. I am hoping it will brighten her day, and serve as a reminder of what a blessing her presence here on earth is.

Thank You Kat!

watercolor, floral arrangement in a pitcher

Watercolor, pastel, pen, 2.5 x 3.5

4 thoughts on “They Say Angels Are Among Us

  1. Kat (@Arty_Kat)

    Finally I was able to get into your blog and read this entry! Oh, Sheila, you made me cry, you stinker you! You really touched me so profoundly with this. Thank you my dear, sweet friend. I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for you.

  2. Frank Delgado

    Sheila, I certainly agree that there are very special people among us .. angels , if you like. I have a similar friend who has made many things possible for me here in Mexico…….


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